The treatment of the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease is conducted under the supervision of a physician, the compliance of the allocations.
The treatment of the aggravation of cervical osteoarthritis

During an acute exacerbation doctor will tell you to stop the sport. Eligible to swim, provided that after the pool, sick of the heat will dress
It is important not to supercool. With the heat it is better to be cautious
Active heat, heaters, warming of the procedure) will increase the pain. Attention, for as the wound was wrapped in a scarf hot.
Soothe the pain of lying on the side, the shape of the knees. The posture that is conducive to the stretching of the spine, the relaxation of disadvantaged nerve. The aggravation of not using the massage. We Can have the pats with the help of analgesics ointments, gels. After handling the affected area is a wrap, give the patient to sleep.
The period of exacerbation of the disease, degenerative disk lasts 3 to 5 days. Depends on the degree of severity of the disease, the number of patients the vertebrae, the age of the patient, respect the doctor's recommendations. After the remission of the pain, the sorrow start to move. But little by little, not supercool.
Why the disease worsens
It should be noted that the process of widening does not depend on the scene, it may occur on one of them, from the first to the last. The aggravation will always precede the cause. Their main list looks like.
- The patient made a sudden movement.
- On the neck area provided with an excessive load.
- Come lift weights, or of their long journey.
- The patient is in a state of stress or a situation where nervous.
- Product, not by a massage. As this is a specialist did not know that the patient has degenerative disc disease, because the sound was not notified.
- Large variations in weather conditions.
- The patient received a sub-cooling of the whole body or zastudil the cervical area.
- After the bath or the sauna, the patient is immersed in a hole or simply cold water.
- The age of the patient, considerable, to which the intervertebral discs wear out and become corrupt due to age, clothing.

If you do not treat osteochondrosis, at any stage, the exacerbation arise necessarily, sooner or later. The symptoms of worsening of the disease degenerative disc neck, you need to know and understand to differentiate between symptoms of other vertebrate ailments.
The symptoms of worsening
The brightness of the severity of the symptoms depends on the stage of the pathology and to measure their progress.
In the following list.
- The pain in the area of the crown.
- A decrease in the skin sensitivity of the area parietal.
- The pain on one side of the neck.
- Pain in the collarbone and the shoulder.
- The severity of the language.
- A disturbance of the respiration, it is not stable.
- The tenderness of the region of the heart.
- The events in the upper right quadrant.
- The headaches and pressure on the eyes, either unilateral headaches in the parts.
- The crackling sound that is heard in the neck of the rear area during the implementation of the slope, the head in sign of assent or rotation.
- The fog in the eyes, spots or points, violations, and ringing in the ears.
- The pain and weakening of the muscles in the hand to the brush.
On these symptoms is difficult not to pay attention to, and yet, are the patients who, even in this situation, don't hurry to visit your doctor and try to help you remedies
The plan
In the task of regime osteochondrosis includes:
- the normalization of metabolic processes;
- tool salt deposits in the spinal column;
- the restoration to the disruption of the cartilage structure;
- strengthen the ligaments of the intervertebral disc;
- the reduction of excess weight and obesity prevention. It is known that extra weight increases the load on the spine and causes the development of the degenerative disease of the disk, therefore, in patients with the disease is often diagnosed with obesity.

Dietary food must be the key selected by the treating physician according to the presence/absence of comorbidities. Unified the regime osteochondrosis not.
For the basis of nutritional therapy in the cervical and lumbar spine osteochondrosis for patients with a higher body weight, can be taken in the Diet n ° 15, which contains all the necessary macronutrients, minerals, and the increase in the number giraud/water-soluble vitamins, carbohydrates. The energy value of the diet at the level of 2600-2700 kcal (85-90 g of protein, 90 to 95 g of fat, and 350 to 400 g carbohydrate).
What products should be included in the menu mandatory:
- dairy products (milk and dairy products);
- the dishes of vegetables, green leafy vegetables. A particular focus is required to grant a cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, celery, sugar beet;
- juice, fruit and berry dishes, including jellies and compotes;
- the vegetable oils;
- low-fat meat;
- the dishes of jelly;
- dark kinds of bread, biscuits, muffins;
- eggs;
- nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds;
- cereals;
- seafood (fish, shrimp, algae, mussels);
- flat-water.
In the diet plan osteochondrosis of the spine must be excluded:
- bold condensed broth
- the fat from the meat,
- refractory animal fat, poultry (duck goose),
- the coffee and drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, chocolate).
Limited to the consumption of sweet products and alkogolsoderzhaschih of drinks.
The causes and symptoms of aggravation of cervical osteoarthritis
Osteochondrosis of vertebral pathology part of the skeleton. It is irregularities degenerative disc and degenerative nature. The gap affects the tissue of the vertebrae, spreading the disease.
- VBN on the bottom of the cervical arthrosis: the treatment
- Acupuncture osteochondrosis cervical
The average age of the onset of the disease — 30 to 35 years. Because of the poor distribution of the load on the spine and the feet, or due to traumatic injuries to the gap can be diagnosed earlier.
The main symptoms, confirming the development of the exacerbation of the disease:
- Pain that radiate into the hands, shoulders, regularly made, or a feeling of tension in the neck and back of the part.
- The negative trend of the degenerative disc disease is accompanied by atrophic phenomena in the muscle tissue, swinging sensitivity, disturbances in the functioning of the organs due to the compression and displacement.
- Pain in the head, dizziness, a lot of fatigue, discomfort in the hand.
- The stiffness of the movements, the inability of slopes, bends, caused by the numbness of the limbs, discomfort in muscles and joints, cramps, hypotension.
- The flies and spots in eyes, noise in the ears.
Is not held at the time of therapy of the cervical arthrosis can move on to the phase of severe exacerbations. The treatment at this stage should proceed to a doctor.
The reasons of occurrence of deviations of the vertebral column:
- The bad obtaining a weight of vertebrate post — walker texas ranger-michel bags, hand luggage permanently on an arm or a hand.
- Curved posture in sitting mode.
- Too soft mattress high pillow to sleep.
- Wearing shoes of a poor anatomical design, the narrow, gloomy, high heels, causing overuse of muscles and the worsening of diseases of the spine, osteoarthritis of the cervical part.
- Physical inactivity, overweight, traumatic injuries to parts of the back, legs, and flat feet.
- The age of the process of degeneration due to disorders of the blood supply of the vertebral column.
- Physical fatigue, seizures, neuro-emotion system.
- Disorders of metabolism, diseases of the stomach, of the intestine, accompanied by an under-assimilation of nutrients and minerals.
- A dangerous profession, the work on sites with strong vibrations.
- The presence of a genetic predisposition to the cervical osteochondrosis with exacerbations.
- The Non-observance of rules of healthy posture in the period of active growth, the scoliosis.
- The dehydration of the body for a long period of time. Irregular, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamin b complex.
- The displacement of the center of the load, appearing in the course of pregnancy in the under-developed muscle structure.
The aggravation caused by the season of the influence of a way of life, can occur in an undetermined time.
To the right and complete the treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will prescribe you effective investigation to find the cause of the disease. You will prescribe medicines, care massage, gymnastics, medical.
During exacerbation of prescribe the following medications:
- analgesics
- chondroprotectors they are applied for a long time and in order to restore the cartilage tissue;
- the muscle relaxants help to clean the muscle spasms;
- smart drugs medicines
- vasodilators
- vitamins D
The processing can be done as at home in the hospital. It all depends on how many there are strong symptoms and complications. Resolve this will be only a specialist. Doctor may send you on operations massages and so on. If you do not follow the recommendations of a specialist, it will lead to serious consequences.
Need to make in your diet for dairy products, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, fish
Particular attention should be given to the food that contains the jelly, it is most often the jelly. Olive oil to use for salads
Better to eat these foods that are steamed, boiled and baked. Forgo salty, fatty, smoked products. It is forbidden to drink coffee, tea and abandon the gas of the fresh water.
Massages will help you to clean the tension of the muscles and normalize blood circulation. But the sentence in the period of exacerbation of the degenerative disease of disk to do it very carefully and fill it only needs a professional massage therapist.
If the patient is seen in severe pain, it must comply with bed rest. In some cases, the patient is forbidden in general to rise. But it could not last more than three weeks, because the muscles may atrophy. If a man has felt an improvement, it is possible to rise, but a maximum of ten minutes per day. Need to do as the said the doctor, otherwise it may lead to serious complications.

Much easier to prevent an aggravation of the degenerative disc disease, and thoracic. And it is within the power of anyone who cares about their health. In order to avoid the aggravation of the degenerative disc disease, it is necessary to observe simple rules.
Not necessarily need to move more, because the pathology appears in people who have a lot sitting. Therefore, they produce the phenomena of stagnant and blood circulation disorders. It is necessary to regularly go hiking and do sports. This will help to prevent the worsening of the breast-feeding to a degenerative disc disease.
No need to sit on the currents of air, because the spine, you can blow. This will suffer and the thorax, the department, and lumbar. It is highly recommended to dress warmly in the winter, it also depends on the health of man. The possibility of not worth being in the cold, if you don't want to be sick.
When there is an excess of weight, it is necessary to get rid of obesity. To do so is not always as easy as we would like it to the people. Sit on a diet and do sports. Don't need to choose the fatty foods and the way of life passive, in so doing, sacrifice their health.
It is noted that it is extremely important to sleep well. This is what you need to buy a foam mattress and cushion
They will help keep the spine and neck in proper sleep. As we know, it is ill-chosen bedding often problems with the vertebrae. So no need to save money on the beds of the attributes, and then health will be much better.
The man himself can influence the aggravation has not arrived. To do this, just follow the simple advice and not to forget your health. Also it is necessary to spend a full treatment of the disease, in the future, has not had to suffer from the pain.