In the modern world, this disease is almost all people over the age of 25 years. Osteochondrosis cervical spine is more frequent than in the other regions of the spine. The relevance of this subject is difficult to overestimate.
In this article, we examine the reasons for this disease, that manifests itself, how to treat cervical osteochondrosis, what are the drugs are effective in the treatment of this disease, the treatments are non-pharmacologic methods exist, and also identify the answers to the most frequently asked questions of patients with this disease.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is degenerated degenerative defeat (progressive) of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. For this reason, changes occur within the intervertebral discs, and the vertebrae and joints of the cervical spine.

The reasons of occurrence of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine
In the result of the action below of the above factors, an increase in the load on the cervical spine, the neck muscles are trying to compensate for excessive load, raises the cramps, disturbances of the circulation in this area, because of what happen of degenerative changes. Because of several factors, changes of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, alters their structure to be disturbed by their diet, the changes occur in small joints between the vertebrae are bony growths of the vertebrae, due to the increase of the load changed the intervertebral discs.
The factors in the development of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine:
- Poor posture, and the presence of a scoliosis
- Excess weight
- The lack of exercise, a sedentary job
- Pre-existing injuries of the spine
- Metabolic disorders
- The physical effort
- The stress and constant voltage
- The low level of physical preparation
- A hereditary predisposition
- Familiar with the bad positions of the body, for example, the holding of combined shoulder
- A constant tension in the back of the neck, due to the characteristics of operation (state in sitting position) for drivers, office workers.
- Developmental anomalies in the cervical region of the spine
The degree of development of cervical osteoarthritis
The degree of degenerative disc disease determined by the clinical picture and complaints of the patient. Must not be the notion of degree of to be confused with the stages of the degenerative disease of the disc. On the stages discussed below.
The first degree
the clinical manifestations are minimal, the patient may complain of pain in the cervical spine of low intensity, it can intensify during the rotation of the head. During the physical examination, the inspection can be a slight tension in the muscles of the neck.
The second degree of the
the patient is worried about pain in the cervical spine, the intensity of his much more, the pain can be radiation to the shoulder, to the hand. Occurs is because of the decrease in height of the intervertebral disc and of the infringement of the nerve roots are. The sensations are amplified by tilt and rotation of the head. The patient may note a decrease in the integrity, weakness, headache.
The third degree
the symptoms of cervical arthritis are amplified, the pain is constant, with radiating to the arm or shoulder. You get numbness or weakness in the muscles of the hand, as formed of the herniated disc. Worried weakness, dizziness. The examination revealed limitation of mobility of the cervical spine, pain on palpation of the cervical spine.
The fourth degree
occurs in the complete destruction of the disc and its replacement by connective tissue. Reinforced by the vertigo, you get tinnitus, abnormal coordination, as well as in the process involved the vertebral artery which supplies the cerebellum and occipital part of the brain.
The clinical picture of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine — symptoms, signs
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine differ from the manifestations of this disease in the other departments of the vertebral column. This is due to the fact that in the cervical region vertebrae are closer to each other, the intervertebral discs are of relatively small size, which leads to the appearance of the clinic, even if the smaller pathological. Also in the cervical region in addition to the case a compression of the nerve roots and the spinal cord.
The most common signs of degenerative disc disease cervical symptoms:
- Pain syndrome: the pain may have different location, they can be in the neck, in the occipital region, shoulder or upper extremity. The pain in the shoulder or in the hand then appear, when in the process of involving the root of the nerve, Innervate the upper limb. The pain in the part occipital of the head relate to the spasm of the neck muscles, which are attached to the occipital bone and the violation of blood circulation in this area.
- The weakness in hands arises, however, when abyss strain, which are the nerves are motor, Innervating the muscles of the arm.
- The decrease of sensitivity in the hand when the abyss strain, which are the nerves are delicate, Innervate the skin of the upper limb.
- A limitation of motion of the cervical spine and the popping sound when movement occurs due to the reduction of the height of the disc, the appearance of bony growths on the body of the vertebrae and of the defeat of small joints between the cervical vertebrae.
- Dizziness, impaired coordination, weakness, all these symptoms are caused by the participation in the process from the vertebral artery, which runs in its own channel, located in shoot cross-sectional of the cervical vertebrae. As a result, the development of cervical osteoarthritis, the formation of a fibrous tissue, the displacement of the vertebrae, the deterioration of the blood circulation in these board of trustees of the arteries, which leads to a deterioration of the blood supply to the occipital lobe of the brain and of the cerebellum.
- The numbness of the tongue, decreased hearing and sight
occur in severe cases, in the case of the deterioration of the blood supply to the occipital lobe of the brain, cerebellum and trunk of the body.
The symptoms as a function of the vertebra is damaged
In addition, you can select syndrome nerve root, leading to one or another, sensitive and motor violation. They differ in function of the vertebra compresses cerebrospinal heel:
- C1: for numbness and violation of the sensitivity of the nape of the neck;
- C2: pain in parietal and the nape of the neck;
- C3: speech disorders, the sensitivity of the language, the pain and decrease the sensitivity in the part where the injured spinal nerve;
- C4: the pain in the heart, the left upper quadrant, shoulder, the scapula, the breathing of the violation, a decrease in the tonus of the muscles of the nape of the neck;
- C5: shoulder pain outside;
- C6: pain, entrusts to the forearm at a large finger of the hand and neck on the blade;
- C7: a pain in the rear surface of the shoulder, neck, left scapula, gives the forearm up to 2-4 fingers of the hand;
- C8: the pain in the neck to the shoulder of the forearm to pinkie.
The diagnosis of cervical arthrosis
The main methods of diagnosis:
- The x-ray of the cervical spine. Is little method, especially in the latter stages of the disease.
- A computed tomography scan. Better shows the changes in the vertebrae, but it is difficult to determine the size and availability of hernias, as well as the presence of the disco-medullary conflict (a compression of the hernia of the spinal cord).
- The magnetic resonance imaging. The most instructive of the method. Perfectly visible not only the bone structure, but the intervertebral disks, hernias, their size, their direction of growth.
- In case of suspicion of violation of circulation of blood in the arteries unite their efforts to apply ultrasonic duplex scanning. This method allows you to determine exactly if there is a decrease in the speed of the blood flow, there is an obstacle to the circulation of the blood.
X-rays of the phase of the cervical osteoarthritis.
- Phase 1 – a minimum of changes in the configuration of the vertebrae, blunt cervical lordosis (curvature).
- 2 the stage of the instability between the vertebrae, may be an offset of a vertebra relative to the other, whelks (rotation around the axis of the spine), a slight decrease of the height of the disc.
- 3 phase – the reduction of the height of the disc ¼ relatively higher-situated drive, the changes in the pathology of the joints, back, osteophytes (bone vyrosty), a narrowing of the holes of the spine and a narrowing of the spinal canal in which lies the spinal cord with its shells.
- Stage 4 – a significant reduction of the height of the disc, of important changes in the pathology of the joints, huge rear osteophytes, significant narrowing of intervertebral holes, and a significant narrowing of the spinal canal with the formation of the myelopathy.

The principles of treatment of cervical osteoarthritis
The main methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine is a medical treatment, physiotherapy, massage, cervico-zone particularly effective for gymnastics, medical when osteochondrosis cervical. The main groups of drugs used in this disease, including:
The name of the group | The action | |
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) | reduce the pain syndrome, contribute to the removal of the aseptic inflammation and swelling of the stump of the damaged nerve. | |
The vitamins of the group | improves the metabolic processes in the nervous tissue. | |
Products that improve the rheological properties of blood and blood circulation | to improve the damaged power of the nerve roots and improves the flow of blood to the brain. | |
Chondroprotectors | drugs, reparative cartilage tissue, including corrupt and intervertebral disc. | |
Muscle relaxants | drugs to relieve muscle spasms. |
Attention! These drugs are not the destination, are covenant as an indication only.
Physiotherapy in the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis
Electrophoresis of drugs. | Under the action of an electric current, ions, drugs fall in the place. Made with novocaïne for the treatment of pain or aminophylline to improve the blood circulation. |
Ultrasound | has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, action and improves the metabolic processes in the impact zone. |
Magnet therapy | has pain medication with relieve the swelling of tissues. |
Laser therapy | thanks to the light of the impact obtained an anti-inflammatory effect and improves blood circulation. |
PHYSIOTHERAPY in low back pain cervical spine must be performed outside of acute flare-ups. The effectiveness of this technique in the recovery period. At the time of the execution of the whole must not be discomfort and pain!
Exercise n ° 1 | Lying on the belly, rest the hands in the soil, raise the head and the torso, the back should be straight. Stay in this position for 1 to 2 minutes. Slowly to the ground. Repeat 2-3 times. |
Exercise n ° 2 | Lying on stomach, extend your arms along the body, the head, turn to the left, try to touch ear sex, and then turn the head to the right. Repeat 6-7 times in each direction. |
Exercise n ° 3 | In a sitting position, on the inhale, lean forward and the head, try to touch the breasts, and then while exhaling, lean back and put your head. Repeat 10 to 15 times. |
Exercise n ° 4 | Sitting join the palms to the front, quick exercise of the pressure of the palms on his forehead, the forehead of the palm of the hand. Continue the exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times. |
Exercise n ° 5 | Slowly turn the head first one side, then the other side. 10 rotations in each direction. Make sure that you do not appear dizziness. During his appearance in the exercise stops. |
The most frequently asked questions of patients with the neck of the uterus, low back pain and the answers
Can he have surgery during the osteochondrosis cervical?
The indications to surgical intervention is the lack of effectiveness of conservative treatment in a period of 6 months, with constant pain syndrome and signs of damage to the nerve roots, as well as myelopathy. In all other cases, the operation is not performed.
How long can you apply NSAIDS?
Like most of the NSAIDS have side effects on the mucosa of the stomach, which is of long duration and the frequent reception of these drugs is not recommended. Upon receipt of this group of drugs should strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, the duration of the reception may be individual, it depends on the stage of the degenerative disease of the disk, the complaints of the patient and his comorbidities.
What is the effectiveness of take chondroprotectors?
At this stage, there is no evidence of the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of these medications. In such cases, the doctors are of the opinion that the drug to apply to be unworkable.
As it is best to get vitamins in pill form or by injection?
No difference in the level of assimilation of drugs in these two pathways are not. Given the pain of the injection of the introduction, and the frequency of complications, it is recommended to take vitamins of group b in preformed shapes.
What measures must be taken outside of the aggravation?
It is better to practice physical therapy at home 2 times per year, massage cervico-area and to limit excessive loads on the cervical spine.