Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

The thoracic spine has a peculiarity: the ribs come together. For this reason, it is less mobile than the neck and lower back. As a result, osteochondrosis in the thoracic region develops less frequently, according to the principle: "less mobility - less wear". But it develops less often - this does not mean that it flows more easily. And indeed it is. This is chest pain. Since the pain zone of the thoracic spine coincides with the heart zone, the symptoms are often confused with angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. No wonder they say of thoracic osteochondrosis that it is a "chameleon". After all, he can pretend not only that he has heart disease, but also a disease of the lungs, liver, stomach, gallbladder, or pancreas. And here you can not go wrong and neglect a heart attack or another serious disease, for example, the pathology of the mammary glands in women. Mistakes like this are costly, even if they resolve themselves eventually. After all, this can "lead" a person to severe stress. That is why it is very important to find an experienced and competent doctor who will understand everything and distinguish the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis from other pathologies. Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are generally divided into two categories: radicular and reflex.

Root symptoms

They arise due to the effect on the nerves exiting the spine.

spinal nerves

spinal nerves

There are many nerves that come out of the spine. They are called spinal nerves. Each of these nerves gradually branches out and follows a certain area of the body with clearly defined boundaries. This area is called the segmental innervation zone. Each vertebra, disc, nerve and zone are numbered closely corresponding to each other. If the nerve is affected, the symptoms will appear in the segmental innervation zone corresponding to this nerve, and not just everywhere, in an arbitrary place.

Radical symptoms include:

  • Decrease or loss of reflexes
  • Violation of sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • Central pain.

Areas of innervation of the thoracic segments

Osteochondrosis D1 – D2- causes pain in the shoulder, collarbone and armpits.

zones of innervation of the thoracic segments

Osteochondrosis D3 – D6- Causes pain, character belt in the upper chest. Simulates pain in the heart, an attack of angina pectoris. In women, it causes pain in the mammary glands.

Osteochondrosis D7 – D8- causes pain in the girdle at the level of the solar plexus. Simulates pain in the stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas. Reduces reflexes in the upper abdomen.

Osteochondrosis D9 – D10- causes pain in the hypochondrium and upper abdomen. Sometimes it mimics the so-called "acute" abdomen, severe pain in the abdomen. Decreases mid-abdominal reflexes.

Osteochondrosis D11 – D12- causes pain in the groin area. Simulates pain in women's diseases, appendicitis, intestinal diseases. Reduces reflexes in the lower abdomen.

Reflex symptoms

Unlike root symptoms, reflexes have no clear boundaries. These can be: difficulty in breathing, lack of air, pain when inhaling-exhaling, chills and "goosebumps" on the skin, intercostal neuralgia, pain in the chest girdle. Dyspepsia is often noted: appetite worsens, nausea, heartburn, bloating and stool disorders occur. Due to pain, sleep is disturbed, insomnia and a feeling of not getting enough sleep occur. It is difficult to move, especially in the morning. The coordination of movements is disturbed - this is reflected in the gait. General weakness, weakness. Violations in the sexual sphere. Irritability. Fast fatigue. There are various types of pain. Pressing pains in the chest. Pain between the shoulder blades. Pain in the hypochondrium. Pain when raising the arms. Pain when bending over or trying to straighten up. Pain between the shoulder blades. In general, pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region can be divided into two types.

Back pain- moderately pronounced prolonged pain in the back and chest with periods of intensification and attenuation.

Dorsago- acute "back pain" in this area.

  • Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region depend on the stage of osteochondrosis.
  • They are made worse by bending over or trying to straighten up.
  • Symptoms often appear after 35-45 years.
  • It occurs about 3 times more often in women than in men.

You've obviously noticed that the root symptoms are clearly defined and the reflex symptoms are very fuzzy and non-specific. And as you know, anything that doesn't have clear definitions serves as a convenient cover for professional impotence. This applies, among other things, to reflex symptoms and a concept so preferred by doctors as "age-related changes". Surely many of you are familiar with the situation where the doctor explained the problem by "reflex" or "age-related" processes. Most people in these moments rightly believe that the doctor simply cannot understand what is going on and is trying to veil his incompetence in the fog of these "magic words".

There was once a popular phrase: "Every accident has a name, surname and position". Each disease has its own unique symptoms. And the doctor's duty is to know them clearly. And then there will be no need to let the fog in and blame the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region for everything. Now you understand how important it is to find an experienced and competent doctor. Both the correct diagnosis and the good results of treatment will depend on this.

Diagnosis is the key to adequate treatment

To date, there are a number of modern methods of hardware diagnostics of osteochondrosis. The most accurate of these are MRI and CT. But the main method is still clinical diagnostics - this is when an experienced doctor compares data from at least three sources - from patient complaints, MRI results and symptoms that were revealed by him during the examination. This allows you to make the most accurate diagnosis and create an effective individual treatment program.


As you understand, osteochondrosis is a real "tangle" of symptoms, extricating yourself, the doctor will save you from pain and anguish. But it is not possible to eliminate changes in the vertebrae and discs. Therefore, the words "treatment of osteochondrosis" must be understood correctly. If you are interested in eliminating pain and other suffering, then yes, it is entirely possible. And if you lead an academic discussion on the subject of returning the vertebrae and discs to their original, "like a newborn" appearance, then no, the past cannot be returned. You have to be realistic and then you will not fall for the scammers.

Don't fall into the lure of scammers!

It is impossible to restore the vertebrae and discs to their original appearance!

What is the main treatment method?

Soft manual therapy is the main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. It's like an antibiotic for pneumonia - you can't do without it. Other types - massages, medicines, physiotherapy and physical therapy - are auxiliary.

How does gentle manual therapy work?

Disc nutrition is directly related to the muscles surrounding the spine. In addition, the back muscles themselves are one of the constitutive causes of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Soft manual therapy is a special method that allows you to restore muscles to their natural physiology, eliminate spasms, muscle clamps and improve disc nutrition.

The intervertebral discs are the only part of the body that has no blood vessels and is nourished by the proper functioning of the muscles.

Also, when dealing with the help of the hands, the chiropractor:

  • remove the load from the affected vertebrae and discs and distribute it correctly;
  • relax the muscles and help them return to normal;


  • save the patient from the clamps;
  • improve the power of the disc;
  • restore the motor functions of the body;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

Manual impact mobilizes the internal forces of the body and initiates self-healing mechanisms.

The treatment is absolutely safe.


To avoid relapses, create comfortable conditions for sleeping and working. Watch your weight and proper nutrition. Maintain your physical activity. But the main thing is not to neglect your health and not to spare us. Don't let things go by themselves. After recovery, try to do at least one gentle manual therapy maintenance session once every three to six months - this will reduce your risk factors. Do not forget that neglected osteochondrosis leads to complications: protrusion and herniated disc. Remember: your health, first of all, you need!

Performing osteochondrosis leads to complications: protrusion and herniated disc.